Implementing regulations


The "Holcim Stiftung" was established in 1962 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Cementfabrik "Holderbank". The Foundation's purpose is to promote young scientists. 

In particular, the Foundation promotes projects which young researchers with a higher educational background undertake to obtain further qualifications in their discipline with a view to satisfying the conditions for an academic or professional appointment. Since the Foundation's resources are limited, long-term grants can only be approved in exceptional cases, priority being given to projects already well underway.

Projects expected to help overcome current social problems or which explore innovative methods, new perspectives or novel lines of questioning crucial to the advancement of science are particularly deserving of promotion from the "Holcim Stiftung" viewpoint. Applicants are required:

  • to have graduated from a university or equivalent institution of higher education (with a dissertation)
  • to furnish proof of suitable qualifications (e.g. publications)
  • not to be older than 35
  • to wish to pursue scientific teaching and research work with a view to acquiring a lecturer grade qualification or similar.

Grants are not awarded for:

  • the financing of regular studies, an additional course of study, a dissertation or a postdoc posting
  • projects solely for the pursuit of training in a new area (as opposed to further training in a field already established as a specialism of the candidate)
  • attendance at congresses, symposia, etc.
  • pure publication projects (printing costs)
  • cost of material
  • Salaries for project members

The relevant documentation is to be sent to the Holcim Foundation or alternatively you can upload it directly to "Request for Stipend".

The "Holcim Stiftung" Board of Trustees normally meets twice a year to decide on the award of grants. Applications must be submitted by the end of April or the end of October, as appropriate. Application forms are available from the "Holcim Stiftung", CH-5113 Holderbank/Aargau, Switzerland.


Holcim Stiftung zur Förderung der
wissenschaftlichen Fortbildung
Im Schachen
CH-5113 Holderbank

Phone +41 58 858 58 00
